Friday, December 14, 2007


Fortunately for me I wasn’t in my thirties during the height of Thirtysomething – but I feel it rings true now for a couple of reasons. Come to think of it, I'm still fortunate because I've yet to turn thirty-anything (only two more years - since I know you were secretly wondering my age).

However, there is one place I will forever be in my thirties it seems - World of Warcraft. You could call it Adult ADD, or possibly it is my complete and utter lack of commitment to anything for longer than a few months (I apologize now to all of my Ex's). But the fact still remains - just as I near a major milestone in game, like getting my mount, I seem to gravitate towards another character.

[Editor Note: I should insert here I do have two characters above 60 - so I'm not a complete wash]

I've come to realize in my two years of 'crafting that everyone is simply drawn to different aspects of the game. Some find the social aspect intreguing, while others find the quest for epic loot to drive their game time. For me, I think I simply enjoy leveling. Who knows - maybe one day I'll eventually have an army of forties. After all, they say forty is the new twenty!

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