I've recently leveled a Troll Shadow Priest to 60 on a PvP server - which has been an interesting experiment to say the least. After all the cussing, drinking to calm my nerves and one broken desk later - I dare say I enjoy it. There is simply an element of danger that you just don't get from playing on a PvE server and once you get out of your 'terrible twenties' and into less farmed zones, the game is much more pleasant than I had first envisioned.
However, not everything has been roses. In my mid-50's I ran into another Shadow Priest who will go unnamed to protect the innocent. [Editor Note: This priest is NOT innocent - just in good faith I won't name you and send all the Horde after you on my server]
It started innocently enough - questing out by Everlook I get broadsided in the middle of battle. No big deal - as I've come to expect this sort of behavior by the Alliance at this point. Maybe it was because you spit on me, or possibly it was because you got me again when I was farming for Timbermaw Hold rep. It's very well possible when I ran into town and you stripped naked and danced around me that you cemented our fate. Better yet - it could have been that the first beating I received in Outland was at your hands. Simply put - it's been a pleasure leveling beside you. [Insert Sarcasm]
Either way - it would seem the gods themselves have put us together. You are my polar opposite. The ying to my yang - my arch nemesis and rest assured - we will meet again. Only the next time - I'll be the one dancing naked!
How about you WoW faithful - do you have a player on your server that you've secretly determined is KOS?
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